Services of the Contractors

Our contractors are skilled in every aspect of masonry construction. They are experts in working with all types of brick, natural stone, manufactured stone, thin brick, terra cotta, concrete masonry units, unit and sidewalk paving materials, air barriers, and waterproofing materials. 

They are specialists in: 

  • New Masonry Construction
  • Masonry Restoration 
  • Historical Renovation
  • Air Barriers
  • Waterproofing
  • Cleaning and Caulking
  • Rainscreens
  • Unit and Sidewalk Paving


All MCAM Contractors are committed to excellence and will complete your project with the highest quality standards in the industry. 

An MCAM Contractor is a valuable partner. When beginning to plan a project, it is very beneficial to bring an MCAM Mason Contractor on as a team member in the very early stages of the planning process. They can assist you in developing a cost-effective design and provide suggestions for money-saving techniques. This upfront planning can provide long term benefits in cost savings, time, and overall efficiency. Click here to meet our contractors.