About Us

About MCAM

For local architects, engineers, owners and developers, Mason Contractors Association of Massachusetts (MCAM) is the go-to resource for all things masonry-related. Whether it’s connecting you with the area’s top mason contractors, or assisting in areas like pricing, design, specialty products, material selection and technical specifications, we’re here to help ensure your success is set in stone.

MCAM union mason contractors provide unmatched expertise at every stage of your project:

  • Initial consultation
  • Assistance with design and engineering planning
  • Construction

Widely recognized as some of the state’s most experienced and highly trained union mason contractors, MCAM members bring a level of professionalism to the job that can be hard to find with open shop contractors. That’s because they’ve worked with virtually every masonry material imaginable, on some of the area’s most technically challenging and iconic masonry structures.

A great resource for architects, engineers, general contractors and property owners, MCAM contractors are knowledgeable in all areas of masonry construction. As a result, they can help you choose the best masonry product for your project, oftentimes saving you money on material costs. They’re also able to ensure you have the latest information on new products, building procedures, technical issues, code updates and industry changes.

MCAM contractors are skilled in new construction, renovations and historical structures. They understand all the technical details that go into creating beautiful structures that stand the test of time, and have applied this knowledge on area projects, including schools, courthouses, fire stations, water treatment plants, apartments, hotels, retail buildings, paving, public parks, monuments, waterproofing, bridges and more.